Margaret Clarke, Ph.D.
Dr. Margaret Clarke has a passion to support Christian leaders’ resilience and well-being, as a published researcher, professor, and as a professional therapist. Margaret has an MA in Marriage and Family Counselling and completed her Ph.D. in Educational Administration. She is the Counselling Department Head and an Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy and Counselling Briercrest Seminary. In her role as a professor, she supports clergy well-being both by equipping new therapists and new clergy, such as through her course CO 720 Approaches in Supporting Clergy Well. As a therapist, she also has a private practice, Evoke Counselling Services, where she specializes in working with Canadian clergy and their families, offering services online and in-person. Margaret grew up in Alberta and has also lived in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, due to her husband’s role as a denominational leader and pastor, and currently lives in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada.
Marcus N. Tanner, Ph.D.

Our Mission
At Clergy Research Group, we are dedicated to supporting the advancement of research in the field of religion and clergy. Our mission is to provide valuable insights and resources to aid researchers in their studies, practitioners in their work, and clergy in their calling.
Participate In Our Latest Study
Meeting Adversity with Resilience: Understanding the Impact of Adverse Ministry Experiences. Our goal in the study is to understand more about the ministry experiences that clergy and spouses find adverse and traumatic and what the trajectory of recovery of such experiences is like. The study will be mixed methods beginning with a survey of US and Canadian clergy and spouses, followed by some interviews for more in-depth exploration.